Using Web Components in React 19
React announced the official beta release of the upcoming 19th version of the library. It arrived with somewhat of a bang, and rightfully so – there are a lot of major changes coming to JavaScript’s most used framework (at the point of writing).However, one massive change that seems to have flown (somewhat interestingly) under the radar is the addition of full native Web Component interoperability. When juxtaposed against Svelte, Vue and Solid’s recent moves away from the Web Component specification – and the uproar caused by Ryan Carniato’s article arguing against Web Components – this is an extremely notable, and interesting development within the landscape of modern JavaScript. In this talk, we will not only explore the implications of the above, but also what this means for the average JavaScript developer in their day-to-day work (especially those using React). We will then end off with a practical example of how you can start using Web Components within React at this very moment.